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Our Picture Perfect Frame Sale is ON! Save 40% with Code SPRINGSALE Shop Now

Terms of Use

Copyright Notice To Customers

Graphik Dimensions Ltd. respects the intellectual property of Authors and Creators of visual images and we ask our customers to do the same.

Say Please Before Printing

A copyright exists in nearly all images and artwork, even ordinary family photos. In general, the copyright is owned by the person who took the photograph.

Separate copyrights may reside in the photograph and its subject, if it is itself a work of art. A copyright in an image is created. A copyright in an image need not be registered - it exists as an ownership right when the image is created. Copyright vests in its owner the exclusive right to make copies, publicly distribute copies, publicly display the work, and prepare other works based on the original. It is generally illegal to copy, print or digitally reproduce photographs taken by others without their permission. The life of a copyright extends decades beyond the life of the author and often resides in his or her estate, successors, or assignees. Federal law provides both civil and criminal penalties for violation of a copyright. Graphik Dimensions Ltd. and its customers are subject to copyright laws.

Mad Respect to The Pros

Professional Photographers and Portrait Artists invest time and creative energy in composing and creating their works. The price of their professional services are generally based upon the expectation that customers will purchase their prints from them. If the prints are obtained elsewhere, the Photographer and Artist loses the opportunity to recover a fee for the effort expended. Photographers and Artists also are concerned with the Artistic integrity of their work: since their name is associated with their work, they want to control how reprints look. There may be other reasons. You are encouraged to discuss these issues with the professional. That way his or her position can be fully explained and you can purchase or obtain permission to order any additional copies you desire.

If we cannot make the copies or provide the digital services for you, go to your Photographer or the source and request them. A Professional Photographer will do their best to see that your needs are met. If they cannot make the copies, they may authorize us to make them. A consent form is available for your use.

If it's Not in the Public Domain, Don't Download it.

Images downloaded from the internet or scanned or copied from print publications should be presumed to be protected by copyright. While images downloaded from the internet are rarely free of speculation even as to their original source (the creator or copyright holder is often not the website hosting the image), permission from print publications or the copyright holder to whom they may direct you, may resolve a potential copyright problem.

The Dude Abides Copyright Law

Whatever incentive you feel a copyright holder may have for protecting his or her rights, you must appreciate that the copyright is protected by law. If you have any doubts, please secure the necessary rights or postpone your submission of the image to us for processing by saving your order. If you have any questions as to what is legal that Graphik Dimensions Ltd. cannot resolve, you should consult a lawyer who specializes in copyrights.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting images to Graphik Dimensions Ltd. for processing, printing, or digital services, I (we) (the customer(s)) acknowledge that I (we) have read the Copyright Notice to Customers that appears on the Graphik Dimensions Ltd. website ( and agree to be bound by them as conditions to the provision by Graphik Dimensions Ltd. of the services requested. I (we) maintain that I (we) am familiar with the copyright laws governing reproduction of copyrighted materials and represent that the content of any images submitted to you (Graphik Dimensions, Ltd.) for processing, printing or other digital image services was originally created by me and that I am the sole owner of the copyright therein or, if I am not the copyright owner, that I have reviewed the prior written authorization of the copyright owner to submit the works to you and for you to perform the services I have requested, including the preparation, alteration, making of copies and publication of derivative works, and that I must provide such written authorization to you upon request.

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