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Picture Perfect Gift Ideas from the Heart

Sep 29, 2017

Picture Perfect Gift Ideas from the Heart

September 29, 2017 / Create

It’s always been better to give than to receive. But it’s not always EASIER. We want to change that mindset. With our print and frame service we hope to do just that. Pictures are memories captured, and making something beautiful with those memories is almost easy a wonderful gift your loved one can appreciate forever, and decorate with!

Just upload from your device of choice, clickety-click-click and Voila! The picture perfect gift of a memorable point in time appears at your door framed and ready to be presented to someone you love.

Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, new babies or “just because”. There are a gazillion reasons to give. And a printed and framed photo is super-simple way to show you don’t just gift-card-care, you really care. Here are some ideas and inspirations for expressing your generous side:

Turn Tumult into Treasure

Once a year (if not more), someone has the bright idea of dragging family members into a complex formation on the front stoop or into a field of wildflowers. Perching us precariously onto large stones in a babbling brook or on a sun-kissed beach. All in the name of the sacred “family photo opportunity”. Lined up in meticulously color coordinated attire. Red turtlenecks and denim all around. Or white shirts and khakis. You know who you are.

We may despise this tradition at the time, griping and moaning, smiling through gritted teeth. But how about a little token of appreciation for the ringleader of this photographic feat? A framed print they can hang on the wall and ogle all year long. Because like it or not, matching outfits and years later, we’re always glad we took those miserable steps to get the money shot.

Featuring our WX489 Brushed Silver Frame

Beyond the Newspaper (That’s Old News Anyway)

We all know wedding photos make fabulous gifts. But what about those painstakingly orchestrated (not to mention, expensive!) engagement photos? They deserve more than a spot on your Save The Date. Think about it. You’re hot on the heels of receiving an engagement ring, sending out one exclamation-point-ridden text after another to every person you’ve known since elementary school and posting on every social media channel you can find. Long story short? You’re excited and you’re blissfully in LOVE.

The bride or groom-to-be carefully chose a photographer and gathered with their betrothed in a beautiful, meaningful setting and dressed to the nines to capture their happiness for all the world to see. So show it! Whether it’s a serious moment or a private, goofy outtake of the lovebirds, framing that special image is a priceless and memorable gift cherished long after “I do”.

Engagement Photo Framed in Living Room

Support Big Dreams for Your Small Fries

Kids' milestones and accomplishments. Blink and you’ll miss them. When they're young, these moments come fast and furious. First steps, first cartwheel, first days of school, swim meets, recitals, soccer games. Don’t miss the chance to capture these moments or let these precious memories sit on your phone or up in a cloud for years upon years.

Framed Sports shot

Little Timmy and Sue worked hard for that art show blue ribbon and that Science Fair exhibit. And let’s face it, you’re dang proud too! They might moan about the photo now, but in the end they’ll be glad to have these keepsakes!

Give your Mini Me even more to make them beam bright by creating a framed print to hang in their room, in the living room or front-and-center on the kitchen wall. It will solidify their sense of accomplishment while encouraging them to always chase their passions and give it their all!


That perfect beach day, canoeing the New River, that close encounter with a monkey in Thailand, drinking wine in front of the Eiffel Tower at night. Ahh, vacations of a lifetime. And don’t we love to recount those stories? So, don’t just snap them and forget them! Afterall, you and your loved one(s) didn’t haul your cookies all the way to the top of that active Hawaiian volcano for nothing. These aren’t just moments of leisure, they’re moments of pure GLORY. Frame these glorious moments so the person you’re gifting has the chance to recount the tales for every inquiring house guest!

Sleek gallery, burl wood, crisp white, gold finish. Relish in choosing the perfect frame and ideal mat that will immortalize the glory of all your favorite vacation moments for your favorite people. Now that’s a thoughtful gift. Because who doesn’t want to be transported back to that epic Girls Trip to Positano in the middle of a typical Tuesday?

Framed Vacation Photo

BFFs (Best Fur Friends) Framed

Fur Babies are family too. That’s why they call them man’s, woman’s and child’s best friend. Which means a framed print of Fi Fi is just as perfect a gift as any other member of the family!

We all have that friend or relative. You know the one. Their Instagram and Facebook pages are plastered with Fido sitting, fetching, snoozing and even, yes, drooling oh, so adorably. And we mustn’t forget Aunt Edna, the family’s resident Cat Lady. That’s right, cats are Fur Babies too. We know you “dog people” out there don’t like it, but it’s true!

So, what better gift idea than a precious framed print of Mr. Pringles or Miss Snowball for that lover of all things four-legged in your life? Have fun choosing the perfect frame and mat to compliment Sandy’s pearly canines and you’ll have your loved ones saying “meow”.

Framed Fur Baby

Your Own Hall of Fame

When it comes to choosing a gift for the sports fanatic in your life, what could be more spot-on than preserving that game-winning free throw, heart-stopping race or foul-hitting batter for the sports lover you love?

Don’t let those epic sports moments wither on your smartphone. Print and frame that selfie of you two at Wrigley Field. On the field when the Saints came back. Or in the stands when Appalachian took Michigan by surprise.

Sports Fan

It’s eye candy and bragging rights for eternity. Now spend all their time admiring their new gift and fantasizing about when they (never) saw Brady win his 5th Superbowl. Because for every super fan, there’s a duper friend. And that’s you!

Good luck this holiday gifting season. But I doubt you need it, because equipped with these tips, I bet you come out on top.

Don’t forget to share your photo finish with us! We want to hear about the awesome gifts you’re created in the comments. Or you can always share them with us on Facebook , Instagram, or Twitter by tagging us or using the hashtag #FramingJoy!

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